Sunday, October 13, 2013


Falling in love is the most easiest thing that can happen to anyone. As for me, I can say that I used to be in love many2 times, and at the end of the day, I found mysekf hurt.
   My worst break up was 2 1/2 years ago, which is still fresh in my mind. I have tried to adjust myself according to the situation now. I have learnt to accept the fact that things were not meant to be.
   Over the time, I have been trying to make myself busy with work and surround myself with family and friends. Well that seems to be working well. But I do feel lonely at times as most of my friends got married andI am one of the few people who are still an active member of the single ladies club (for ladies my aged that is).
   I have been seeing some potential guys. I mean for movies, coffee or simple outing session and most of them do have the criteria that I am looking for. I do feel guilty seeing several of man at the same time (without commitment). But I am really having fun with their company.
   However, recently, on work purposes I have been working with this man over the phone (whatsapp, text and calls) on an article that I am working on. He has been really helpful. And the first few dayswas purely work, but I seem to reallylike him, eventhough we haven't met face to face until last Friday when he insist me to come to an event that wassupposed to attend at Tropicana Golf and Country Club.
   So I went to the event, and the meeting was pretty awkward at first, as I suspected he didn't expect me to be a plus size person (I!!) But its okay as I want it to be really professional (he is really a good looking  lad).
    So we start to discuss about my work, and then, he starts talking about his personal. He told me that he told me that he was divorced with two kids (his kids were very adorable). But I was really surprised that he was so opened to tell me about those things.
    And he told me a lot of things about his background. Such as he is not a Malay he is an Iban. He even showed me his ic picture (he was fat before). Which I think was kinda cute. And his obsession about SUPERMAN which is totally adorable because his kids has the same obsession too.
  He even had a video call with his kids, when he was out of words to say to me. But I saw his fatherly side (which I totally love to see in a guy whom I will marry someday..hopefully). He was kind of jelous when he saw me whatsapping someone else (which is kinda weird).
   Gosh!! I think I am going gu-gu-ga-ga over this guy. Lol! But I think at the moment I should keep it to myself. As I dun wanna scare him away..hahaha hopefully not! And maybe I can try to wait and see what happens next. Finger cross!! If he is the right man for me, I hope that Allah will lead his heart to me. AMIN Ya Rabbal Alamin!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

daily routine

Sejak kebelakangan nie, I have been really busy..kejar dateline..sampai satu tahap tu aku rasa nak pengsan..rasa sakit pun ade semalam start dapat cuti je terus migraine..sakit kepala.. muntah2 sikit and selsema..I guess it's how my body is trying to tell me that I just need a guess what I did..tido the entire day yesterday and today had a short meet up with Zarra Hafiz as she will be flying off to UK to do her Masters..lucky her.. maybe someday I can further my masters too.. Insha Allah..and today I am continuing to read my book titled 'Tuesdays with Morrie'..the book is really it is a must read for everyone out there..Enjoy.. I wanna grab some late lunch and continue my read..

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Into the land of Timur

On the crossroads of Central Asia, Uzbekistan is replete with rich cultural tapestries, writes Seri Nor Nadiah Koris

SINCE I slept throughout the seven-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur, I am all geared up to start my journey in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
But it’s already 3am when we arrive in the capital city. And it’s drizzling. So we’re sent straight to our hotel in the heart of the city and advised to get some sleep.
Getting up later in the morning, we look forward to having our first bite of local food.
We step outside the hotel and to our surprise, no restaurant is open for breakfast.
“We prefer home-cooked breakfast,” says our guide Davron Khusanov.
“Besides, it’s Navruz Day, a celebration to mark the beginning of spring and it’s a public holiday,” he adds, telling us to have breakfast at the hotel instead.
Included in the spread is sumalyak (also spelt sumalak), the traditional sweet of Uzbekistan and a must for Navruz Day.Interestingly, it is served in a bowl and sipped like soup. It tastes similar to dodol. You can easily get sumalyak at markets and hotels during spring.

We have a full list of attractions to visit, including Amir Temur Museum, Applied Arts Museum and Old Tashkent City Mosque.
Located in Amir Temur Street, Amir Temur Museum is named after the conqueror known as Tamerlane (also known as Temur).
Exhibits are historical and valuable items such as jewellery, weapons, military attire and regalia, and musical instruments dating back to the Timurids era.
Next stop is the Applied Arts Museum which houses ceramic, glass and porcelain plates, samples of hand-made embroidery, national fabrics and clothes, carpets, engraved wood, varnished miniatures and jewellery.
The castle-like building itself is as interesting as its showcase inside.
For lunch, we’re taken to Plov Centre for the country’s famed plov (also spelt pilaf).
Similar to nasi biryani, plov consists of fried meat, onions, carrots, rice, sultana, berries, peas or fruit.
For appetisers, we have Uzbek bread served with hot limonli choy (lemon tea), a drink that will warm you during the cold and windy spring season.
Later in the evening, we head for Old Tashkent City Mosque where we see children flying kites in the compound. Davron tells me most of the children live nearby and they do not have a suitable place to play.
“There is plenty of space around the mosque which can be used for recreation,” he says.
To round up the day, Davron takes us for a tour around Independence Square, about 2km from our hotel.
Instead of the tour bus, we take the Metro, which is like the LRT in Kuala Lumpur. It takes us three minutes to reach the square where street photographers approach me to have my pictures taken by them. The price ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 soms (RM15 to RM22.40). The deal will be tempting for tourists who don’t have cameras with them.
The next day, we visit Samarkand, the second largest city in Uzbekistan.
After an early breakfast, we head for Vostochniy Train station to catch the 8.30am train. It’s four hours to Samarkand from Tashkent.
It is heart-warming to watch passengers sharing their food (such as bread and hard-boiled eggs). I am very impressed that even total strangers have no qualms about sharing their food with fellow passengers, which Davron says is the local culture.
It’s half past noon when we reach Samarkand. First on our itinerary is a visit to Gur Emir Mausoleum (gur means grave).
The mausoleum was built in 1404 for Temur’s favourite grandson Muhammad Sultan. In 1405, after Temur died in Otrar City, his sons decided to move his body and bury him near his favourite grandson.
Next, we head for Mirzo Ulugh Bek Observatory which houses the Ulugh Bek Museum and the trench used as an observatory in ancient days.
According to Davron, the museum however only exhibits copies of all Ulugh Bek’s books as the originals are in Oxford, United Kingdom.
We are also taken to the mausoleum of Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis, also known as The Living King. The world-famous necropolis also houses the mausoleum of the cousin of Prophet Muhammad, Kusam ibn Abbas.
It’s one of the oldest monuments in Islamic architecture and an important pilgrimage site in Samarkand for Muslims.
While climbing the stairs that lead to the tombs, Davron tells us that “whoever counts the number of steps correctly will get married to a rich Uzbek man”.
There goes my luck, for I am too busy trying to reach the top that I haven’t bothered to count.

We spend some time shopping at Registan Square where we find a variety of crafts and souvenirs, from cushion covers, small pottery, ceramic pieces, silk scarves, knives, pictures to rugs.
Davron reminds us to bargain. For a silk scarf, the price starts at 50,000 som (RM74.80) and you can easily slash the price by half.

I am back

  I am back! dah lama tak update blog! 
  I've been really busy! and no time for myself! (Not really) I love my job. 
  Dulu masa I start blogging I was still doing my degree. Sekarang dah masuk alam pekerjaan. I am 25 and living my life! 
   Everyday is a new experience. I meet different people everyday. Write about different stuff everyday. I see new things. Go to new places and eat delicious food most of the time (I <3 font="" food="" reviews="">
   Alhamdulillah dah 1 and a half year kerja dekat NST! So far I have improved a lot! Bulan nie dapat a few Streets front page byline! Rasa happy tak terhingga! 
Tapi bulan nie kurang dapat O.T. compared to bula puasa last year (Masyuk jugak la..hihhihihi) tapi tu semua kan rezeki! Jadi kite sebagai manusia tak de hak nak complain.. kan3?
   Lama dah tak tulis macam nie..Selalunya kene tulis mmg news aje..sekali sekala dapat tulis macam nie rasa best pulak! 
   Til I see u soon.. Chaw dulu

I am back

  I am back! dah lama tak update blog! 
  I've been really busy! and no time for myself! (Not really) I love my job. 
  Dulu masa I start blogging I was still doing my degree. Sekarang dah masuk alam pekerjaan. I am 25 and living my life! 
   Everyday is a new experience. I meet different people everyday. Write about different stuff everyday. I see new things. Go to new places and eat delicious food most of the time (I <3 font="" food="" reviews="">
   Alhamdulillah dah 1 and a half year kerja dekat NST! So far I have improved a lot! Bulan nie dapat a few Streets front page byline! Rasa happy tak terhingga! 
Tapi bulan nie kurang dapat O.T. compared to bula puasa last year (Masyuk jugak la..hihhihihi) tapi tu semua kan rezeki! Jadi kite sebagai manusia tak de hak nak complain.. kan3?
   Lama dah tak tulis macam nie..Selalunya kene tulis mmg news aje..sekali sekala dapat tulis macam nie rasa best pulak! 
   Til I see u soon.. Chaw dulu

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Puisi Hilang

Saya tujukan puisi ini buat orang yang saya cintai dulu, kini dan selamanya..
tersenyumlah saat kau mengingatku,
kerna saat itu aku sangat merindukan mu,
dan menangislah saat kau merindukan ku,
kerna saat itu aku tak berada disampingmu,
tetapi pejamkanlah mata indahmu itu,
kerna saat itu aku akan terasa ada di dekatmu,
karna aku telah berada dihatimu untuk selamanya,
tak ada yang terisah lagi untukku,
selain kenangan- kenangan yang indah bersamamu,
mata indah yang dengannya aku biasa melihat keindahan cinta,
mata indah yang dahulu adalah milikku
kini semuanya terasa jauh meninggalkanku
kehidupan terasa kosong tanpa keindahanmu,
hati, cinta dan rinduku adalah milikmu,
cintamu takkan pernah membebaskanku,
bagaimana mungkin aku terbang mencari cinta yang lain
saat sayap sayapku telah patah keranamu,
cintamu akan tetap tinggal bersamaku,
hingga akhir hayatku, dan setelah kematian
hingga tangan tuhan akan menyatukan kita lagi
betapapun hati telah terpikat kepada sosok terang dalam kegelapan,
yang tengah menghidupkan sinar hidupku,
namun tak dapat menyinari dan mengahangatkan perasaan ku yang sesungguhnya
aku tidak pernah bisa menemukan cinta yang lain selain cintamu
kerna mereka tak tertandingi oleh sosok dirimu dalam jiwaku
kau takkan pernah terganti
bagai pecahan logam mengekalkan kesunyian, kesendirian dan kesedihan ku,
kini aku telah kehilanganmu..

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday drama..

Pagi nie, aku bangun dengan keadaan yang longlai..mungkin kerana keletihan yang teramat lepas merayau- rayau malam minggu and gayut telefon ngan ex aku sampai pukul 3 pagi..tu la musibah yang menimpa..

Ku panjatkan syukur ke hadirat Allah swt. Allah telah mengkabulkan doa ku..walau pada ku ini masih pembukaan dan bukannya penamat kisah cinta aku dengan bekas teman lelaki aku..aku sudah mula berkomunikasi semula sejak hujung minggu lepas..lama jugak aku tak telefon atau mesej dia..hampir 3bulan semenjak 'breakup' dgn lelaki yang aku panggil Joe..Ya Allah tuhan aje yang tahu macam mana bercelarunya hidup aku selama putus aku bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada kawan2 yang sentiasa memberi semangat dan dorongan supaya aku kental.

aku bukan nak kata aku tak boleh cari lelaki lain atau moved on la kan..tapi dengan Joe nie die lelaki yang berbeza..sangat lelaki yang sebelum- sebelum nie..die jenis yang aku boleh hormat walaupun bak kata mak aku "darjat die rendah dari darjat kita". Ye la die warga asing.. datang dari seberang, datang sini untuk mencari rezeki untuk menyara hidup..

Semalam, phone call aku dgn die adalah dalam 1 jam 07 minit dan beberapa saat. perbualan yang paling panjang selepas 3 bulan..macam- macam yang kami bualkan..die ada juga menyanyi sebaris petikan lagu melayu, terkenang aku masa zaman- zaman aku bercinta dgn die dulu.. banyak teguran dan nasihat-nasihat yang die beri kepada aku, walaupun kami dan putus dan mama menghalang 100% aku ada apa- apa lagi hubungan dengan die tapi aku rasa terkilan kalau hubungan itu putus tanpa persahabatan langsung antara aku dan die. Sekurang- kurangnya walau kami dah putus dan rasa cinta tu masih wujud, tapi masih lagi boleh jadi kawan..from my point of view memang 'tak salah' pun kalau macam tu kan.

Tapi perasaan aku hancur sebab sejak kebelakangan nie, mama asyik mendesak aku untuk menjauhkan diri dari Joe dan ahli keluarga, saudara mara dia yang lain..mmg la aku tak nafikan, aku dgn saudara mara Joe boleh dikatakan rapat. Mereka sangat baik dan mesra dengan aku. Anak- anak buah Joe, Aiman, Lina, Khairul, kembar, Faris, dan yang lain- lain ( aku sampai tak ingat nama ) semua manja dengan aku..dan aku pulak gemar dengan budak- budak kecik..tak kan aku nak buat bodoh je kalau budak2 tu panggil aku, atau datang peluk aku..tak sampai hati kowt..tapi mama pulak tak suka seboleh- boleh sangat die nak menjauhhkan aku dari Joe..aku harap dan berdoa sangat- sangat yang Allah memberi petunjuk dan hidayah untuk buka hati dan pemikiran mama..supaya die boleh terima orang yang tak sama kedudukan ( pada mama) dari kami sekeluarga. pada aku pulak, harta kekayaan tak menjadi ukuran asal orang tu benar- benar ikhlas sayang dan cintakan aku, terima aku dalam hidupnya..ntahla..

sekarang pun jam dah jam 2206 mata aku dah kuyu..nanti kita sambung lagi